Statement Number: S013848
Date Submitted: 07/01/2016
1. Water is used under
Pre-1914 Claim
2. Year diversion commenced 1900
3-4. Maximum Rate of Diversion for each Month and Amount of Water Diverted and Used
Month Rate of diversion
Amount directly diverted
Amount diverted or
collected to storage
Amount beneficially used
January 404 0 0 0
February 290 640 0 640
March 866 4708 0 4708
April 2660 20052 17248 37300
May 1397 49899 0 49899
June 2169 23084 344 23428
July 2470 12356 0 12356
August 1791 1262 172 1434
September    1173 3031 0 3031
October 2103 9398 0 9398
November 457 0 4036 4036
December 2 0 0 0
Total   124430 21800 146230
Type of Diversion Both Direct Diversion and Diversion to Storage
Water Transfers
8e. Water transfered No
8f. Quantity transfered (Acre-Feet)
8g. Dates which transfer occurred / to /
8h. Transfer approved by
Water Supply Contracts
8i. Water supply contract No
8j. Contract with
8k. Other provider
8l. Contract number
8m. Source from which contract water was diverted
8n. Point of diversion same as identified water right
8o. Amount (Acre-Feet) authorized to divert under this contract
8p. Amount (Acre-Feet) authorized to be diverted in 2015
8q. Amount (Acre-Feet) projected for 2016
8r. Exchange or settlement of prior rights
8s. All monthly reported diversion claimed under the prior rights
8t. Amount (Acre-Feet) of reported diversion solely under contract
5. Water Diversion Measurement
a. Measurement
Water directly diverted and/or diverted to storage was measured
b. Types of measuring devices used
  • Acoustic Meter
  • Pressure transducer and storage capacity curve
c. Additional technology used
  • Telemetry
Description of additional technology used
d. Who installed your measuring device(s)
  • Licensed Civil or Agricultural Engineer
  • Representative using United States Geological Survey (USGS) techniques
  • Representative using manufacturer's recommendations
  • Other: USGS Personnel
e. Make, model number, and last calibration date of your measuring device(s)
f. Why direct measurement using a device listed in Section 1 is "not locally cost effective"
Explanation of why use of devices and technologies listed in Section 1 are "not locally cost effective"
g. Method(s) used as an alternative to direct measurement
Explanation of method(s) used as an alternative to direct measurement
6. Purpose of Use
Irrigation 211408 Acres Mixed Crop Types
7. Changes in Method of Diversion
8. Conservation of Water
a. Are you now employing water conservation efforts? Yes
Describe any water conservation efforts you have initiated Conjunctive use and canal lining and piping.
b. Amount of water conserved 132172 Acre-Feet
I have data to support the above surface water use reductions due to conservation efforts. Yes
9. Water Quality and Wastewater Reclamation
a. Are you now or have you been using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment facility, desalination facility, or water polluted by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects such water for other beneficial causes? No
b. Amount of reduced diversion
Type of substitute water supply
Amount of substitute water supply used
I have data to support the above surface water use reductions due to the use of a substitute water supply
10. Conjuctive Use of Surface Water and Groundwater
a. Are you now using groundwater in lieu of surface water? Yes
b. Amount of groundwater used 123277 Acre-Feet
I have data to support the above surface water use reductions due to the use of groundwater. Yes
11a. Additional Remarks
1. The water operations of the Districts are supported by pre-1914 direct diversion and storage rights, riparian power rights, and post-1914 direct diversion and storage rights. Neither the Tuolumne River nor the San Joaquin River System has been adjudicated. The Districts are reporting their post-1914 water use in accordance with the SWRCB directions, all of which directions have not been codified into legally binding regulations or statutes. Therefore, the Districts reserve all of their legal rights with regards to all of their water rights and the reporting of their water uses. 2. The Districts have pre-1914 direct diversion and storage rights. Since the Notice to Water Right Licensee dated February 2011, requires ¿assigning water to the senior-most right first,¿ exercise of the Districts¿ rights under those pre-1914 rights will be reported on their 2013, 2014, and 2015 Supplemental Statements of Water Diversion and Use, which are due July 2016. Requiring the Districts to exercise their pre-1914 rights first may also result in water not being diverted in any given year under an individual license because water is not available, the license is a junior right, or some natural or other calamity prevents the Districts from exercising their rights under the license. 3. The Notice to Water Right Licensee dated February 2011, requires ¿assigning water to the senior-most right first.¿ The Districts have followed that requirement with regard to direct diversions to use and collections to storage. While the Districts have also followed that requirement with regards to withdrawals from storage, the Districts contend that withdrawals from storage for use should be accounted for by the junior-most right first (i.e., LIFO) rather than by the senior-most right first (i.e., FIFO). 4. Collections to storage for irrigation and M&I uses under the Districts¿ licenses are also reported as collections to storage under the Districts¿ licenses for power since they have the same place of storage. The intent is that each licensed used is supported by collections to storage for that use. 5. The Districts will be reporting water credits for conserved water and for the conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water in the 2013, 2014, and 2015 Supplemental Statements of Water Diversion and Use, which are due July 2016. 6. For License 11058: In compliance with Ordering Paragraph 5 of SWRCB WR Order 2005-0022 DWR, the monthly amounts of water withdrawn from storage and transferred by MID to the City of Modesto for municipal and industrial purposes are reported herein.  
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No Attachments
Contact Information of the Person Submitting the Form
First Name Jason
Last Name Carkeet
Relation to Water Right Other: Authorized Official
The information in the report is true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief Yes