Primary Owner: TURLOCK I D & MODESTO I D
Primary Contact: TURLOCK I D & MODESTO I D

Date Submitted: 06/28/2013

Application Number: A014127
Permit Number: 009320

Source(s) of Water POD Parcel Number County

MAX Direct Diversion Rate: 0 GPD
MAX Collection to Storage: 1046800 AC-FT
Face Value: 1046800 AC-FT

Permitted Use(s) Acres Direct Diversion Season Storage Season
Irrigation 245723 11/01 to 07/31
Recreational 0 11/01 to 07/31
1. Project Abandoned
The project has been abandoned and I request revocation of my water right license No
2. Compliance with License Terms and Conditions
I have currently reviewed my water right license and I am complying with all terms and conditions Yes
Description of noncompliance with terms and conditions
3. Changes to the Project
Intake location has been changed
Description of intake location changes
Type of use has changed
Description of type of use changes
Place of use has changed
Description of place of use changes
Other changes
Description of other changes
4. Purpose of Use
Irrigation 202033 Acres Mixed Crop Types
Municipal 205000
5. Amount of Water Diverted and Used
Month Amount directly diverted or
collected to storage
Amount used
January 0 1508
February 0 1608
March 0 2044
April 0 2566
May 0 3377
June 0 3584
July 0 3825
August 0 90384
September    0 73926
October 0 26733
November 0 2232
December 0 556
Total 0 212343
Comments Senior rights were exercised.
6. Maximum Rate of Diversion for each Month
Month Maximum Rate of Diversion
January 2118
February 1014
March 2167
April 1909
May 2830
June 2890
July 3110
August 2830
September    2104
October 2393
November 265
December 181
7. Storage
Reservoir name Spilled this year Feet below spillway at maximum storage Completely emptied Feet below spillway at minimum storage Method used to measure water level
Don Pedro Reservoir  No 0.55 No 51.40 Manometer
Conservation of Water
8. Are you now employing water conservation efforts? Yes
Description of water conservation efforts Conjunctive use and canal lining and piping.
9. Amount of water conserved 0 Acre-Feet
Water Quality and Wastewater Reclamation
10. During the period covered by this Report, did you use reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment facility, water from a desalination facility, or water polluted by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects the water for other beneficial uses? No
11. Amount of reclaimed, desalinated, or polluted water used
Conjuctive Use of Groundwater and Surface Water
12. During the period covered by this Report, were you using groundwater in lieu of available surface water authorized under your license? Yes
13. Amounts of groundwater used 0 Acre-Feet
Additional Remarks
Remarks/Notes to (Irrigation or Power) Reports of Licensees 1. The water operations of the Districts are supported by pre-1914 direct diversion and storage rights, riparian power rights, and post-1914 direct diversion and storage rights. Neither the Tuolumne River nor the San Joaquin River System has been adjudicated. The Districts are reporting their post-1914 water use in accordance with the SWRCB directions, all of which directions have not been codified into legally binding regulations or statutes. Therefore, the Districts reserve all of their legal rights with regards to all of their water rights and the reporting of their water uses. 2. The Districts have pre-1914 direct diversion and storage rights. Since the Notice to Water Right Licensee dated February 2011, requires ¿assigning water to the senior-most right first,¿ exercise of the Districts¿ rights under those pre-1914 rights will be reported on their 2010, 2011, and 2012 Supplemental Statements of Water Diversion and Use, which are due July 2013. Requiring the Districts to exercise their pre-1914 rights first may also result in water not being diverted in any given year under an individual license because water is not available, the license is a junior right, or some natural or other calamity prevents the Districts from exercising their rights under the license. 3. The Notice to Water Right Licensee dated February 2011, requires ¿assigning water to the senior-most right first.¿ The Districts have followed that requirement with regard to direct diversions to use and collections to storage. While the Districts have also followed that requirement with regards to withdrawals from storage, the Districts contend that withdrawals from storage for use should be accounted for by the junior-most right first (i.e., LIFO) rather than by the senior-most right first (i.e., FIFO). 4. Collections to storage for irrigation and M&I uses under the Districts¿ licenses are also reported as collections to storage under the Districts¿ licenses for power since they have the same place of storage. The intent is that each licensed used is supported by collections to storage for that use. 5. The Districts will be reporting water credits for conserved water and for the conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water in the 2010, 2011, and 2012 Supplemental Statements of Water Diversion and Use, which are due July 2013. 6. For License 11058: In compliance with Ordering Paragraph 5 of SWRCB WR Order 2005-0022 DWR, the monthly amounts of water withdrawn from storage and transferred by MID to the City of Modesto for municipal and industrial purposes are reported herein. License 11058 Note: This note references the amount of municipal water reported in section 5c of Part 3. Post 1914 municipal water releases from Modesto Reservoir are in compliance with the State Water Resource Control Board WR Order 2005-0022-DWR to transfer up-to 67,200 acre-feet of water per year from Modesto Irrigation District to the City of Modesto consistent with license 11058 (Application 14127).  
File Name Description Size
No Attachments
Contact Information of the Person Submitting the Form
First Name Jason
Last Name Carkeet
Relation to Water Right Authorized Official
Has read the form and agrees the information in the report is true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief Yes