October 1, 2021 to September 30, 2022

Primary Contact: ALFRED G MONTNA

Date Submitted: 01/18/2023

Application Number: A015893
License Number: 005629

Source(s) of Water POD Parcel Number County

MAX Direct Diversion Rate: 0.7 CFS
MAX Collection to Storage: AC-FT
Face Value: 256.9 AC-FT

Permitted Use(s) Acres Direct Diversion Season Storage Season
Irrigation 3708.50 05/01 to 11/01
Compliance with License Terms and Conditions
I have currently reviewed my water right license and I am complying with all terms and conditions Yes
Description of noncompliance with terms and conditions
Changes to the Project
Intake location has been changed
Description of intake location changes
Type of use has changed
Description of type of use changes
Place of use has changed
Description of place of use changes
Other changes
Description of other changes
Purpose of Use
Irrigated Crops
Multiple Crops Area Irrigated (Acres) Primary Irrigation Method
Almonds and Other Nuts No 601.55
Rice No 2397.28
Tree Fruit (other) No 424.50
Special Use Categories
Are you using any water diverted under this right for the cultivation of cannabis? No
Amount of Water Diverted and Used
Month Amount directly diverted
Amount diverted or collected to storage
Amount used
Type of Diversion Direct Diversion Only
Comments In addition to the quantities shown above, the place of use identified in License No. 5629 also receives water under License Nos. 2033, 4659, and 11376, and Statement No. 28259. Diversions under this License were limited in 2022 due to the drought and curtailments by the SWRCB. Quantities shown include only water that was diverted or could be credited under this License during times the License was not curtailed and water was available.
Water Diversion Measurement
Required to measure as of the date this report is submitted Yes
Is diversion measured? Yes
An alternative compliance plan was submitted to the division of water rights on
A request for additional time was submitted to the division of water rights on
Measurement ID numberM001002
This Device/Method was used to measure water during the current reporting periodYes
Briefly describe the measurement device or methodPropeller Meter
NicknameNorth Pump Meter
Type of device / methodFlow meter (propeller)
Device makeMcCrometer
Serial number97-08962
Model numberL0243-22
Approximate date of installation01/01/1997
Additional info
Approximate date the measuring device was last calibrated or the measurement method was updated01/28/2020
Estimated accuracy of measurement+ / - 2%
Description of calibration methodThe estimated accuracy identified in M10 is based on the manufacturer’s stated accuracy for a properly installed and calibrated meter. A copy of the calibration test is attached to this report.
Describe the maintenance schedule for the device/methodThe meter is serviced and recalibrated in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Information for the person who last calibrated the device or designed the measurement method
NameKyle Knutson
Phone number9164564400
Qualifications of the individualCalifornia Licensed Professional Engineer (PE)
License number and type for the qualified individual above and/or any other relevant explanationCalifornia License No. C 86370. The inspection of the meter has been inspected by staff under my direction and supervision. An inspection of the meter and installation conducted under my supervision found the meter to be properly sized and installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Certification of accuracy is based on this inspection supported by the attached Certified Test Report by McCrometer.
Type of data recorder device / methodOther: SCADA System
Data recorder device make
Data recorder serial number
Data recorder model number
Data recorder units of measurementAcre-Feet
Frequency of data recordingMore frequent than hourly
Additional data recorder info
I am required to report my diversion or storage data by telemetry as of the date this report is submittedYes
I report my diversion or storage date by telemetry to the following websitehttps://www.dropbox.com/sh/v5fmpd65ymqnsyb/AACLs6gCVg847csUb7BXd2eya?dl=0
Measurement ID numberM001003
This Device/Method was used to measure water during the current reporting periodYes
Briefly describe the measurement device or methodPropeller Meter
NicknameMiddle Pump Meter
Type of device / methodFlow meter (propeller)
Device makeMcCrometer
Serial number06-01300
Model numberMW636-00
Approximate date of installation01/01/1997
Additional info
Approximate date the measuring device was last calibrated or the measurement method was updated01/28/2020
Estimated accuracy of measurement+ / - 2%
Description of calibration methodThe estimated accuracy identified in M10 is based on the manufacturer’s stated accuracy for a properly installed and calibrated meter. A copy of the calibration test is attached to this report
Describe the maintenance schedule for the device/methodThe meter is serviced and recalibrated in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Information for the person who last calibrated the device or designed the measurement method
NameKyle Knutson
Phone number9164564400
Qualifications of the individualCalifornia Licensed Professional Engineer (PE)
License number and type for the qualified individual above and/or any other relevant explanationCalifornia License No. C 86370. The inspection of the meter has been inspected by staff under my direction and supervision. An inspection of the meter and installation conducted under my supervision found the meter to be properly sized and installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Certification of accuracy is based on this inspection supported by the attached Certified Test Report by McCrometer.
Type of data recorder device / methodOther: SCADA System
Data recorder device make
Data recorder serial number
Data recorder model number
Data recorder units of measurementAcre-Feet
Frequency of data recordingMore frequent than hourly
Additional data recorder info
I am required to report my diversion or storage data by telemetry as of the date this report is submittedYes
I report my diversion or storage date by telemetry to the following websitehttps://www.dropbox.com/sh/v5fmpd65ymqnsyb/AACLs6gCVg847csUb7BXd2eya?dl=0
Measurement ID numberM001004
This Device/Method was used to measure water during the current reporting periodYes
Briefly describe the measurement device or methodPropeller Meter
NicknameSouth Pump Meter
Type of device / methodFlow meter (propeller)
Device makeMcCrometer
Serial number97-08963
Model numberL0243-22
Approximate date of installation01/01/1997
Additional info
Approximate date the measuring device was last calibrated or the measurement method was updated01/28/2020
Estimated accuracy of measurement+ / - 2%
Description of calibration methodThe estimated accuracy identified in M10 is based on the manufacturer’s stated accuracy for a properly installed and calibrated meter. A copy of the calibration test is attached to this report.
Describe the maintenance schedule for the device/methodThe meter is serviced and recalibrated in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Information for the person who last calibrated the device or designed the measurement method
NameKyle Knutson
Phone number9164564400
Qualifications of the individualCalifornia Licensed Professional Engineer (PE)
License number and type for the qualified individual above and/or any other relevant explanationCalifornia License No. C 86370. The inspection of the meter has been inspected by staff under my direction and supervision. An inspection of the meter and installation conducted under my supervision found the meter to be properly sized and installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Certification of accuracy is based on this inspection supported by the attached Certified Test Report by McCrometer.
Type of data recorder device / methodOther: SCADA System
Data recorder device make
Data recorder serial number
Data recorder model number
Data recorder units of measurementAcre-Feet
Frequency of data recordingMore frequent than hourly
Additional data recorder info
I am required to report my diversion or storage data by telemetry as of the date this report is submittedYes
I report my diversion or storage date by telemetry to the following websitehttps://www.dropbox.com/sh/v5fmpd65ymqnsyb/AACLs6gCVg847csUb7BXd2eya?dl=0
Measurement Attachments
Measurement ID Number File Name Description Size
M001002 97-08962.pdf Flow Meter Certification 29 KB
M001003 06-01300.pdf Flow Meter Certification 29 KB
M001004 97-08963.pdf Flow Meter Certification 29 KB
Measurement Data Files
Measurement ID Number File Name Description Size
M001002 Garden Highway 2022 SCADA River Pump Data.xlsx 1 MB
M001003 Garden Highway 2022 SCADA River Pump Data.xlsx 1 MB
M001004 Garden Highway 2022 SCADA River Pump Data.xlsx 1 MB
Maximum Rate of Diversion
Month Rate of Diversion
Water Transfers
Water transfered No
Quantity transfered (Acre-Feet)
Dates which transfer occurred / to /
Transfer approved by
Water Supply Contracts
Water supply contract Yes
Contract with DWR
Contract number May 1977 Agreement between Garden Highway Mutual Water Company & DWR
Source from which contract water was diverted Feather River
Point of diversion same as identified water right Yes
Amount (Acre-Feet) authorized to divert under this contract 18000
Amount (Acre-Feet) authorized to be diverted in 2022 18000
Amount (Acre-Feet) projected for 2023 18000
Exchange or settlement of prior rights Yes
All monthly reported diversion claimed under the prior rights No
Amount (Acre-Feet) of reported diversion solely under contract
Reservoir name Spilled this year Feet below spillway at maximum storage Completely emptied Feet below spillway at minimum storage Method used to measure water level
Credits Claimed
Conservation Reclaimed Water Use Conjunctive Groundwater Use
Claimed? (Yes/No) Yes No No
October 43
November 1
December 0
January 0
February 0
March 0
April 0
May 43
June 42
July 0
August 0
September 19
Conservation Supporting Information
Description of conservation methods
Optimum water conservation efforts are ongoing and include, but are not limited to infrastructure improvements such as SCADA implementation and physical structures such as long crested weirs, good water management and farming practices such as, re-circulation system, crop shifts, varietal changes and laser leveling of fields. The total quantity of water conserved during each year is variable and depends upon numerous actors, including but not limited to Company and on-farm operational practices. Optimum water conservation efforts are ongoing and include, but are not limited to good water management and farming practices such as, re-circulation system, crop shifts, varietal changes and laser leveling of fields.
Description of baseline water use and time period
The total quantity of water conserved during each year is variable and depends upon numerous factors, including but not limited to Company and on-farm operational practices. The quantity of water conserved through these actions is unknown.
Description of conservation calculation methods
Difference between the face value and the monthly diversions.
Conserved water used? No
Additional Remarks
The acreage identified in this Report receives water under Garden Highway Mutual Water Company's (Company) water right Licenses Nos. 2033, 4659, 5629, and 11376 (Applications 1699, 14415, 15893,and 23045 respectively) and Statement No. 28259, which are all part of the May 17, 1977 Agreement on Diversion of Water from the Feather River between the Department of Water Resources and the Company. The place of use continued to receive water under the Contract with DWR during 2022 while License 5629 was curtailed. The water under all the Company's rights is diverted and conveyed using the same facilities. Monthly diversions are assumed to occur first under the most senior right up to the maximum monthly amount of the license and then under the more junior rights in order of priority until the total monthly measured diversion are accounted for. The sum of the diversion quantities identified in the Reports of Licensee for Licenses Nos. 2033, 4659, 5629, and 11376 is equal to the total diversions measured by the Department of Water Resources at the Company's Feather River point of diversion. The raw data set attached to this report is provided as-is, without any quality assurance and control performed. The Company participated in a Water Transfer Program during 2022 under which additional groundwater was pumped and served to the place of use in lieu of surface water deliveries under the Agreement and the License. In total, 2,756 acre-feet of groundwater was pumped in lieu of surface water diversions for the purposes of a groundwater substitution transfer. Absent the water transfer, the Company would have diverted an additional 2,756 under its Agreement and/or underlying water rights. 
File Name Description Size
No Attachments
Contact Information of the Person Submitting the Form
First Name Kyle
Last Name Knutson
Relation to Water Right Company Representative
Information on Certification and Signatory
Name of Person Signing and Certifying the Report Kyle Knutson
Date of Signature 01/18/2023